Fr. Gary Thurman
Monday, August 21: “Curse vs. Woe”
“Curse vs. Woe” Mark 11: 14 “[Jesus] said to [the fig tree], ‘May no one ever eat fruit from you again!’” Lest we misunderstand, let’s be...
Lalaine Chriselle Collada Espiña
Charismatic Episcopal Church - Asia August 17-19, Camp Benjamin, Alfonso Cavite The “Go Forth!” Territorial Convocation of the...
Fr. Gary Thurman
Saturday, August 19: “Scheming Servant”
“Scheming Servant” 2 Samuel 16: 2, 3: “The king said to Zeba, ‘Why do you have these?’ And Zeba said, ‘The donkeys are for the king’s...