Bp. Ariel P. Santos
FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING - "Purity of Dominion"
Today is the Feast of Christ the King. The kingship of Jesus Christ is not supposed to be just a spiritual concept. The reality is...

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Purity of Endurance"
Looking at the gospel reading today, we hear about things and we can say, “This just can’t be right. This kind of stuff doesn’t belong in...

Fr. Roberto Jorvina
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Purity of Endurance"
Every Sunday, as we come to Mass, our desire is that we may be able to learn something from the teachings and remember it as we leave...

Bp. Ariel P. Santos
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Purity of Giving"
The readings today mentioned two widows. The widow in Biblical times was a marginalized, desperate and needy person. They were...
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time: Purity of Wisdom
Have you ever played “Horseshoes”? In this electronic-driven world, many have never heard of the game, or maybe even the object. Did you...