Fr. Garry F. Salguero
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time: Love the Lord
You cannot love someone you don’t know, someone you’ve never met, someone you refuse to come to, or someone you keep out of your life....
The scenario in today’s Gospel reminds me of the blind beggars in our streets with loudspeakers as they sing or play the guitar so they...
Fr. Garry F. Salguero
The Meaning of Greatness
How do we measure greatness? Our world tends to define greatness in terms of power, privilege, and prestige. We measure the importance of...
Marilie F. Thurman
"Purity of Contentment"
“Inflation seen peaking at 7.4% in December 2018” ran an article in the October 5 Business Section in the Philippine Star. “Oh no!” my...
Tess A. Morata
"Purity of Relationship"
God uses the marvel of creation to instruct us and to show forth His power, especially when He created man and woman (Gen. 2:13-23). ...