Marilie F. Thurman
"Purity of Harvest"
"Ever since I was a child, I was known for a really bad black thumb—I could not grow anything, and even worse, plants seemed to die under...
Tess A. Morata
"Purity of Redemption"
Until the day I was found, I didn't know I was lost. Yes, some of us were once lost. Even though we may not 'feel' lost, if we have no...
Dcn. Garry F. Salguero
Corpus Christi, Enthroning the Lord
On the Feast of Corpus Christ we commemorate the great gift of God to mere mortals, the banquet of immortality. This God of Love chose to...
Fr. Garry F. Salguero
"Purifying Power of His Spirit"
Our Lord had said: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Paraclete, another Consoler, to abide with you forever” (John...
Dcn. Francis Sotalbo
"Purifying Power of His Name"
Every day people worry about their future, and keep on struggling to pursue their dreams and desires for their lives. They want a better...