Marilie F. Thurman
"Purified in Humility"
In April 1949 a shocking new musical stormed Broadway. It was called “South Pacific”, and a song from its climax went like this: You've...
Tess A. Morata
"Purified in Baptism"
In today's Gospel we are reminded of how John the Baptist baptized our Lord Jesus in the Jordan River. Christ’s baptism is considered an...
Dcn. Garry F. Salguero
"The Kingdom of God"
The Feast of Epiphany that we are observing today has to do with the story of the Wise Men as told in the Gospel of Matthew 2: 1-12. The...
"Pure Devotion"
The message last Christmas Eve mass was very powerful because it was God's message of love to us. "Through His love God sent His only...
Dcn. Francis Sotalbo
"Pure Submission"
Mary answered, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word.” A meaning of “bondslave” is a person in...