Fr. Garry F. Salguero
From Grief to Gladness
Grief and pain are not unnecessary elements in human life. Expressing pain is necessary. The prophet Joel once cried out, "Thus says the...
Marilie F. Thurman
"Pure Preparation"
God wants a remnant. Actually, He doesn’t want just a remnant of ragtag survivors. He wants a people—a great multitude at that, which no...
Tess A. Morata
"Pure Diligence"
Today we enter into a new liturgical year with the season of Advent. We enjoy the season because we know what's next after Advent. Some...
"I Am Ready"
Have you ever been in an experience for which you are not prepared? Have you been hit by a ball without noticing it? Have you ever...
Dcn. Francis Sotalbo
“The Family of God: Humbling Ourselves as Servants”
The words of Jesus should make us think: “It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your...