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“Resurrection Life Builds Understanding”

Wisdom Is Here

Proverbs 1: 20 says that Wisdom shouts in the street and lifts her voice in the square. This is a proclamation that the Word of God is out there waiting to be heard and understood. Most of the time we instead ask God for a sign that will tell us the answer to our problems and circumstances in life.

Our Gospel for today is a revelation that God is always there to reveal signs and wonders that we must never take for granted. It is also a revelation of His great power.

We are usually blinded by worldly things, just like in the Gospel where Jesus was a stranger in their sight, but when He blessed the bread and began giving it to them, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him just before He vanished. When we are blinded by the world we doubt, and we acknowledge the presence of fear and anxiety in our lives; but let us be overcome instead by the presence of God. He also reminds us in the Gospel that we must have in faith Him at all times.

The Word of God is there to be heard and read in order for us to understand His greater plans for us. Unfortunately we sometimes read our bible just to read it, but it is there to be a guideline for us in our lives. The breaking of the bread is a sacrament that was revealed to us for us to know Him more and so that we can acknowledge His presence even more. It is also a gift from Him and a memorial that we must participate in as His children.

So in our daily lives as Christians we must walk by faith and not by sight, in order for us to understand that He has given us His only begotten Son for us to know that His great love and compassion will never fail or run out.

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