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“The Family of God: With Authority from Heaven”

While I sometimes wish we had more information about what Heaven will be like, we know this for sure: boring can't be the right word to describe it! Perhaps, we will see beauty like we've never seen before including the pure water of life, clear as crystal (Revelation 22:1). We will experience the glory of God which will illuminate Heaven. We will enjoy life without pain or sorrow (Revelation 21:4). Of course, we will definitely worship in Heaven. I know that's our favorite part, worshiping and singing praises. Maybe because the past weeks have been so tough for me and my family, I came to the point of imagining Heaven.

But the reality is I'm still here on earth, here to do many things. As our Lord Jesus has been given authority by our God, we as believers know that our authority comes also from God and His Word. As we are God's ambassadors we can speak with His authority appealing to the world on behalf of Christ.

Romans 12:4-5 says, 'For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another. We belong each other in unity and service to bring the operation of God's kingdom to this world. Each of us have been given a special gift and are called to a specific purpose. But on our own we cannot accomplish much. Joining together with other believers and utilizing those gifts is what brings meaning and fullness to the body of Christ. Each part is necessary and each part blesses the others. No one is less important than the other. You and I are called to belong to each other. Glory to God!

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