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The Family of God: Bearing Fruit for His Glory

Weeks before my college graduation, I had already decided that I would look immediately for a job. Like any job-seeker, a pre-requisite before landing an interview was my resume. Despite not being very gifted in the arts, I made sure my resume looked neat and presentable. However, I was very conscious of my credentials, thinking that I had not achieved enough for any top company to hire me. I realized that prayer was my only weapon, and finding my confidence in the Lord became my motivation during those times. Right after graduation, I intensified my job search. I remember walking the whole stretch of Ayala Avenue, submitting copies of my resume to companies from one end to the other. Most of the time I would only get as far as the security guard and hand my resume over to them, but other times I would be fortunate enough to personally hand them to a company representative. By God’s grace, I was able to pass all the initial exams I took from the companies that called me. However, the initial interviews were more nerve-wracking and patience-testing. They would often say they would call me after a few days, but they never did. During this time of waiting, I continued to seek the Lord’s will in prayer. My prayer was simply to be able to find a job that would allow me to help my family, especially to repay my parents for their hard work on my behalf, and to get a job with a schedule that would not conflict with my ministry. The longer the wait, the more I realized that I needed the guidance of the Lord. After a couple of months the Lord answered my prayer, and put me in a place where I believe He will allow me to grow more in His love.

Whenever we go through a season of waiting it is a test of our patience and faith. There are others who have gone or are going through a much tougher season of waiting, but I want to remind us that He is in the waiting. Even now, we as a church are hoping and praying for funds for the construction of the Lord’s House. At this time, Church, let us be reminded that the Lord is among us. We should not be weary, but instead intensify our faith in Him that He will provide. My story is just a simple testimony; I believe that many of us have our own stories to share. These stories are God’s way of reminding us that He will never leave us. So whatever place we are in right now, always remember that He is more than able to accomplish what He has promised.

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