"Pure Devotion"
The message last Christmas Eve mass was very powerful because it was God's message of love to us. "Through His love God sent His only begotten Son Jesus. Jesus became human and joined us, so that He could redeem us."
God to become man! It seems totally impossible for an Omnipotent God to make such a decision. It was an unacceptable concept according to human standards. It was like a demotion from the highest to lowest position, which requires extreme devotion. God humbled Himself, He became like His created being to dwell in us, be with us, feel like us: "Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14).The angel Gabriel was sent by God to confirm the coming of the Savior to a virgin, whose firstborn son would be called Jesus, the "Son of the Most High, God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end"(Luke 1:26-33).
This message was so powerful and yet burdensome for a child being conceived, already carrying on His shoulder tons of responsibility that required authority. That authority needed pure devotion to God, because it was a godly mission. Joseph and Mary, who were also devoted to God, were both sensitive to His revelation. They followed carefully the book of the prophet's instructions; that a firstborn son who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord. With insufficient funds to buy a lamb, the least affordable animal, for the offering, they offered instead a turtle dove at the temple. Because of Joseph and Mary's obedience they were able to receive other revelations from God through Simeon and the prophetess Ana to confirm once again that their firstborn Son, Jesus, would be the Savior of the world (Luke 2:30 & v38). Jesus was able to accomplish His mission because of His devotion both to His Father, and to the mission given to Him. Since Christ is in us, we will be able to do all that God wants us to do through our pure devotion; we are all sons of God, we are His and His Holy Spirit is in us; He redeemed us, making us no longer slaves to sin, for we are the heirs of God! (Gal.4:4-7).