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Jesus said in the Gospel of Mark, “This is what I came for”, a statement of purpose for His life. It is His mandate to preach the Gospel to the lost (soul) sheep of the house of Israel. But in Matthew chapter 15 a Canaanite woman, because of her faith, received the blessing from Jesus Christ. Blessing is not just for Christians alone, but for all who believe in God.

What is our purpose in life? Is it just to raise a family? Is it just to have faith in God? Is it just to attend Mass every Sunday? Is it just to have friends? Is it just to acquire wealth? Is it just to have a good life? Maybe it’s not only these things, because life is more important than that. It is more gratifying and satisfying if you share the life of Christ. Peace and happiness come in whatever situation you find yourself in life if you share the Gospel of Christ. Life is not by chance, it’s always destined by God. It is not by accident that you belong in this congregation. You have a purpose. Sharing the Gospel of Christ is not only preaching the Gospel but also living it out. Be a good example in every aspect and manner of life.

As I look back over my life, I should have been long gone from this world, as my mother told me how sickly I was when I was just a little one. She told me in jest, “Only one signature of worm (bulate) needed then you’re gone.” She described how thin was my physical body then, that the only parts that were big were my head and my knees. But praise God, I survived and God brought me this far, and now I’m writing this article for you.

Lack in materials thing must not hinder us from doing good deeds. Smiles are much more precious than a cup of rice. A smile lasts forever. It can bring joy to the one in despair and loneliness. It can inspire people and transmit the goodness of God. Have you noticed that usually those people who have little are the ones who smile most, compared to those who have much in life? Seek peace with all men, share the life of Christ. Our purpose in life is to please the Father, our Creator.

Jesus did not just stay in one place (home or office), but he said to His disciples “Let us go to the other places.” Being His followers and servants, we must always be people of action, constantly living the Gospel in any circumstance and situation of life. Look at Paul in 1 Corinthians 9, our epistle reading today: he adapted his life to any condition to share the gospel of Christ. Truly, our purpose in life is to bring smiles to the Father our Creator. Amen.

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