Newness of Hope
Time flies so fast! We are now in the season of Advent, the period of time in the church calendar when many Christians prepare to celebrate the first coming of Christ while looking forward to His second coming. During Advent, we emphasize the hope, faith, Joy, and love which God sent through Christ. People are excited, as witnessed by displays like lanterns, Christmas decor and colorful strings of lights forming the capital H-O-P-E. This word reminds us that Jesus is, and always has been, the hope of humankind. Some say life is hard nowadays, but it is harder for some than for others. Our country is experiencing problems such as high inflation rate, crime, lawlessness and disrespect. All seem to be growing more and more hopeless. If that's the way you've been looking at things around us recently, there's a positive way to look at life. We can still live with the courage God gives us. We just have to trust God and do what is right.
In Psalm 25:10, the psalmist David says "All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth, to those who keep His commands and testimonies". We can continue to do good things. The more we do good, the less chance evil has to succeed. Anticipating what God has in store for us can put a smile in our hearts. Hope lets us live with inner strength because we know one day we will be different than we are now. The hope we read about in scripture is a strong and confident expectation that what God has promised in His word, He will accomplish.
From the Gospel today in Luke 21: 33, Jesus said "Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away". And in verse 36, "But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of man". Nothing will last longer than the word of God. If you make plans for the future, then put your hopes and dreams in that which will last the longest. The more we immerse ourselves in God, His word and His promises, the less we fret over the troubles in this world. We may not like what we see and hear in our society, but we can live with hope and be prepared till our Lord comes again. Thanks be to God, for Jesus is the source of our hope!