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The number 40 has always been a significant number in scripture. It rained for 40 days in Noah’s time. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days in the desert. The Israelites wandered for 40 years in the wilderness before reaching the Promised Land. The time period of 40 seems to be a time of testing and trials, then leads to a revival and a new beginning.

It couldn’t be any truer for the Cathedral of the King. 40 years ago, our church planted a special seed. In faith, we hoped for that seed to sprout. For so long, we wandered around—moving from one church venue to another, wondering when the moving will end. Wondering when the seed will sprout. In that time of wandering, we have been moved and inspired to grow together; at the same time, we have also been hurt and wounded by the trials we faced as a church. But God, being our Shepherd, has always taken care of us.

Today, 40 years after planting that special seed, we are moving again to another venue. But this time, we are moving for good because we are now stepping on the grounds of our very own church building. The seed we have planted has finally come forth. February 3, 2019 is a monumental day for the Cathedral of the King because we can finally say that we now have our own home. There were three services: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, and 4:00 PM Tagalog Service – all of which were followed by a simple feasting at the LFMA to celebrate the goodness of our Lord to us as a church.

Fr. Gary last Sunday said that the seed has finally sprouted in the form of a blade. This is happening not because of our own doing during those 40 long years. It is God alone who has caused this seed to grow. Just like any other plant, when a blade or a leaf grows, it does not mean the plant is finished. Jesus said, “Next has to come the ear, and then the full corn” for it to be fully mature. Then comes the multiplication of the harvest.

We celebrate not because we have come to the end of our journey. We celebrate because this is a new beginning for us. The blade is now visible, but the work does not stop here. There’s so much work to be done that there should be an intense drive in us to accomplish them. Let us make an impact not just within the walls of our church, but let us go out and make Christ known through our very lives. This “work” may mean being committed to our church ministry, and it may also mean going out of our comfort zones to evangelize and open the eyes of individuals to Christ’s wonders and miracles. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” (John 14:12). Church, let us remember that we have been called to accomplish even greater things!

We’ve only just begun, Church! Our work starts today as we build up one another and as we serve the Lord in the different ministries He has called us to do. Let’s continue to pray, fast, serve, give our tithes and offerings, and do work for our community and our nation. Let us be excited for the great and wonderful things God has in store for us today and in the years and generations to come. As Fr. Gary said, “Let us make sure that the blade comes into something far more glorious than we could ever think.”

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