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“Walking in Deliberate Choices”

In our first reading today, Deuteronomy 30: 16-20, God gives us crystal clear instructions on how to make purposeful choices toward a blessed, driven life.

As soon as we wake up, we are confronted with choices to make. Should we arise and prepare immediately for work or school, or stay in bed a little longer? Should we have our devotion first or do it later? Should we take a taxi or just walk as an opportunity to exercise? Should we study first or make an excuse to play with friends and do our homework later? With so much loaded in our plate, what work should we do first? These are just common situations we face every day, to which sometimes we don’t give careful thought.

As we grow and mature in faith, we are confronted with more important decisions to make. Should we accept new responsibilities? Should we accept another job opportunity? What college course should we take? Should I have my hair cut today? Should I pray for those who persecute me? Regardless of how simple or crucial those decisions are, we know that God is our help anytime, anywhere, in any situation when we just seek and ask Him with all our heart. We know that His direction will bless us, as we put our faith in Him in trust and obedience.

God knows us very well. God knows the very condition of our heart. He knows what we are thinking every moment, and what we feel. God knows our difficulties and even our struggles in obeying Him. We have heard and experienced great testimonies of how God has blessed choices made out of faith. Yet although we know these things we still choose our own way rather than believe and have confidence as we completely surrender everything to Him, choosing His will.

“Whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple … In the same way, those who do not give up everything cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14: 26-33) As Christians, we are challenged to face and carry our crosses daily as we strive to be true disciples of Christ. It may be the result of decisions we made every day. Making seemingly insignificant choices can be God’s way for us to start seeking and following Him. No matter how simple or complex it may be, may our choice be to follow His will and give Him all the glory.

When God prompts us to encourage or pray for our neighbor or share the good news to someone we don’t even know, when we are in situations seemingly too difficult to decide, when we are left with options and need to deny ourselves for Christ sake, may our heart choose to say, “Lord your will be done…here I am, use me.”

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