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“Walking in Expectant Prayer”

In our gospel reading today, Jesus strongly encourage us to constantly pray and remain steadfast in our faith until He comes. “If even an evil judge can be worn down,” the Lord said, “don’t you think that God will surely give justice to his people who plead with him day and night? Yes! He will answer them quickly! But the question is: When I, the Messiah, return, how many will I find who have faith and are praying?” Luke 18:2-8 (TLB)

As believers and followers of Christ, our question is: When Jesus comes, will He find us trusting him, or busy with the ordinary pressures of our daily lives? How can we endure until the end with many persistent temptations making us insensitive to God’s Kingdom? We maybe not aware of it, but the battle to maintain a steadfast, self-denying radical faith is not only against persecution and temptation, but also against the temporary good things in life. Even our busyness and worries over the daily routine at home, work, school, and in ministry can make us insensitive to God’s eternal kingdom--when we operate on our own strength and neglect to pray about everything.

The song of King David in Psalm 121 reminds us that our help comes from the Lord--not by our own strength but by His power. “The Lord will keep our going out and our coming in from this time forth and forevermore” (v8). Whatever challenge or difficulty lies ahead of us, what a blessed assurance to know that God is for us and surely will deliver us and help us when we put our faith in Him.

The word of Jesus to us today is that we ought to pray always and never give up praying. Let prayer be our lifestyle every day. In this manner, we become more sensitive to His presence and mindful about His plans, His will, His promises, and His Kingdom as we draw ourselves closer to Him in prayer. When we cease praying our faith will wither. We should not grow weary in prayer because God is not like the unjust judge, He will surely vindicate His children who cry to Him day and night. God is for us and no one can be against us (Romans 8:31-33). As we trust and obey His will, may we all continually pray for one another, pray for the salvation of many, pray without ceasing, and when Jesus comes, may He find us faithful.

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