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Angels without Wings

Today's Relief Operation was so far the most amazing experience in my entire ministerial journey.

First stop: STO. TOMAS. We are going to visit one of our church members and their relatives but we don't know exactly where to locate her address and after talking to her on the phone, she said that a tricycle driver offered her to fetch us (instead of her going out of the subdivision to go to the main road to meet us). And so we were able to reach the place with ease. What a blessing and a work of an "angel". We came to the house with hands full of relief goods, yet we left the place with our stomach full because she had prepared food for the team. YOU CAN NEVER OUTGIVE A GIVER.

Second Stop: LIPA CITY. This family (who were also affected by the eruption of Taal Volcano) were expecting only a visit from us and not with goods that would last for more than a month or so. They were so thankful that they were able to see us but with the blessings we brought to them, they can also share the blessings with others.

Third Stop: BATANGAS CITY. We visited 6 families where two of them are siblings of a member of our church . They are still at the evacuation site for almost a month now as they are the ones directly affected by the eruption because they live in Taal and Agoncillo. So thankful with the enormous relief goods (sacks of rice, bags of groceries, bottled water, slippers, etc.) that when we left, they can't help but share the blessings with other evacuees.

Last but definitely not-the-least Stop:TANAUAN, BATANGAS. As in the first scenario, what we have is the address but we don't know where to locate it. What made it worse is that we don't have a telephone number to call. We approach a traffic enforcer to ask help but an "angel" in a motorcycle overheard us asking for direction. He said that he is also going to that direction and requested that we follow him. This astounds everyone and I exclaimed, "an angel!" He was wearing a "smiling" mask and a shade that we could hardly see his face. It was a long drive from where we left. And for one to go out of his way to bring us to our "mission field", is really God's divine intervention. We can't thank the "angel" enough that we gave him a bag of groceries. He even doesn't want to accept it but we insisted.

At this point, we are again faced with another hurdle with an incomplete address according to the guard but it didn't stop the group from facing the challenge to complete the mission. We have to go through each house to ask if they know the person we are looking for. And finally, at the last house, the man standing at the gate pointed us to where we should go and "thanks be to God!" we found the place. "Happy" is an understatement, because she was in tears upon seeing us. We brought a big box of groceries and toiletries, plus a sack of rice, water and another set of grocery items.

After that, we still have one more address to go to and we found out that it was at the same subdivision as this last one we visited so finally, we were able to accomplish the mission that God has called us to do.

Today is a day filled with thanksgiving and praise to God because of His faithfulness.

With all the places we went to, we didn't just bring material blessings but we prayed for them for healing, hope, and peace and shared the love of God to them. And not only did we minister, we saw God's work as we go about serving others by sending angels to pave the way for us.

Thank you for everyone who prayed for us, supported us and gave of their material provisions to make this ministry a great success. God bless you!!!

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