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April 26, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

Our life is really full if you stand firm in the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 3:8)


I have a new friend who is an online content creator. He has a day job and vlogs after work hours. But his purpose is not to make money, although he could use some extra. To him, this extracurricular activity is purely ministry. He helps the least, the lost and the lonely. On Valentine’s Day, he gave flowers and other gifts to people who had no dates. He’s not a Christian but has discovered what others need to discover - fulfillment in kind deeds.


Our joy becomes full when we do the work of charity and meet needs. When we don’t, our life is empty even if we have what the world says brings happiness. This is what Paul is trying to convey in the verse above. And it’s the way it is in the kingdom of God.

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