April 5, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment
This is why I sacrifice every firstborn male animal to the Lord. (Exodus 13:15)
Along with the command to sacrifice the firstfruits of a crop or livestock is an instruction to explain to the next generation the reason behind the gesture, which is to express gratitude to God for our salvation. This is so we and our children would not just follow the letter of the law but its spirit, and that we would be cheerful givers.
The reason we give not just of our treasure, but of our time and talent, to the Lord through the agency of the church is not merely because we are told to do so but because we are aware of the good things He has done and we respond in thanksgiving. Just like God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, so the risen Jesus has delivered us from the bondage of sin and death. We are to make our sons and daughters understand this and keep it going as a perpetual memorial that is characteristic of a Eucharistic community that is forever grateful.