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August 6, 2023 | 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Together at Last!

Following the July 30th Diocesan Mass, members of the Cathedral of the King (COTK) were finally able to worship God together as one family last August 6! Everyone was enthusiastic about seeing each other, no longer saying quick hellos or goodbyes. Various Ministries and Clergy serving in full force, the St. George flag waving once again, and the altar looking glorious --- all gave a foretaste of greater things to come! Whatever inconveniences we went through in the past --- worshiping like nomads from Magallanes to Fort Bonifacio to Sportslink to Sheridan to Ace Hotel to a Warehouse in Ortigas Ext. Pasig to TCU to EMRAM to LFMA --- are deemed nothing compared to the joy we have today.

So let's continue to give out of our substance until our Parish Center is completely done. Just like the five loaves and two fishes, the Lord will multiply whatever we have in our hands.

COTK, we are home at last! Praise be to God! Non nobis Domine!

Writer: Sis. Lourdes Lim

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