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February 11, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

And He was transfigured before them; and His garments became radiant and exceedingly white. (Mark 9:2-3)


The Transfiguration narrative is a landmark in Jesus’ story. After beginning His ministry, He experiences a steady rise in influence, fame and success. It reaches its peak with His miracles, healings and large following, and the Transfiguration where His disciples fully see His divine glory. But then from the Transfiguration, it’s all downhill. “From there Thou leddest them steadfast to Jerusalem.” Now there is controversy and opposition which eventually led to His betrayal, arrest, condemnation, abandonment, and finally, death. But the story doesn’t end there, but with the surprise of His resurrection.


This is the reason why apart from the Transfiguration Sunday which in the liturgical year is celebrated in August, the Transfiguration narrative is read the Sunday before Lent - to remind us that Jesus leads us to the Jerusalem of Lent and Holy Week, but also through it, to the victory of Easter.

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