February 18, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment
“And He was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan.” (Mk 1:13)
Before starting His ministry, Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness as He contemplated how He would fulfill His mission and establish His kingdom on earth. As a man, He was tempted to do it God’s way or the world’s way, which always looks sensible. He genuinely struggled to discern the will of God.
The story tells us that being instructed and immersed in the word of God and accurately handling it plays a major role in prevailing over temptation. This Season of Lent, as part of our focus on fasting, praying and giving, let us also take time to read our Bibles with the desire to know Him and to grow in that knowledge and in His love. That will provide the strength we need to overcome.