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February 21, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

“If You are willing, You can make me clean.” (Mk 1:40)


In first-century Jewish culture, lepers were considered unclean both religiously and medically. They were an ostracized class and were quarantined. Everyone, including the devout, stayed away from them because it was the sensible thing to do. That was just the zeitgeist of the day. This is why the leper in Galilee asked Jesus if He was willing to touch and heal him. To his surprise, He said yes.


Paul encourages us to have the same kenotic attitude Jesus had. He instructs us to do nothing from selfishness but humbly regard others as more important, not merely looking out for our own interests but also that of others. If the love of Christ guides us, self-concern will take a backseat to compassion, and we will pursue the good of others to our own hurt, realizing that whatever price we pay is nothing compared to the joy we will receive and the glory to be revealed.

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