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We’ve been part of the church’s “moving in and moving out, and then moving in and moving out again” so many times. Now that we have our own land, the dream of having a place that we can call our home is gradually unfolding before our eyes: The Cathedral of the King Church Building.

I still remember the smiles and the excitement on our brethren’s faces during the groundbreaking. I was not physically present during that time, but looking at the pictures and videos of the event made me very excited about what our church building would look like.

Various fundraising activities were initiated, but we all know that the funds raised were not enough to complete the building. Much has already been done ever since the construction started.

When the Gideon 300 project was announced, wherein 300 blocks must be donated to complete the structural works of the church building, the Lord spoke to me to plant a seed. He reminded me of the incident that happened in Ozamis City, when the then Christian Life Fellowship held its Crusade in 1987. I planted 500 pesos and reaped a hundredfold return for it that I used for my exhibit in order to graduate.

Looking back, I never had a job. Occasionally, I had little income from making fashion jewelry, handmade greeting cards, cooking, and baking. But having faith and trust in the Lord that He wouldl take care of our needs, He blessed me in order to be a blessing, too.

I encourage everyone to plant for harvest. Whatever amount you can afford—a quarter of a block, half a block, one block, 2 or more blocks… Be assured that God will bless you a hundredfold or more in return. Just think of this: Your contribution will harvest many souls for His Kingdom.

If you would like to be part of the COTK Building Blocks Project, please contact the Fund Raising Committee:

Sis. LANI MIGUEL - 09985981270 (Mobile/Viber and Whatsapp)

Dcn. SHERWIN TORRES - 09357015450 (Mobile/Viber)

You may also email us at, or send us a message! Register your pledge using this link #COTK #CEC


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