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A Media Ministry Feature Article

How beautiful [upon the mountains] are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” – Isaiah 52:7

Such words fittingly describe the mandate of the New Media Ministry. With unfiltered information just a click away, it’s easy to succumb to despair. Yet God still reigns, and humanity needs to see this truth.

The year 2020 ironically inspired the Media Ministry (after much prayer, several meetings, and consultations between Bishop Ariel Santos and the “Pioneers”) to be more visibly engaging, especially on the social media platform. With Bro. Tony Macheca now at the helm, the ministry collaborates with the other ministries of Cathedral of the King (CotK) to INFLUENCE and INSPIRE, hoping to impact the lives of virtual netizens and people of the real world alike.

The ministry envisions CotK’s social pages as a dynamic online stream of Masses, instructional scriptures, soothing music, applicable reflections, snippets of wisdom, and prayers for everyone. There will also be stories of faith journeys, struggles, and victories, along with many more spiritual elixirs for the weary soul.

This pandemic has caused so much suffering and loss! Among other things, it has greatly hindered our face-to-face fellowship. But by God’s grace and guidance in making use of social media and technology in general, the Media Ministry will be a catalyst to bring the good news of God’s love to the world, one soul at a time.

So make it a habit to power your day by visiting, liking, or following (even sharing) our social media accounts:

FACEBOOK: Cathedral of the King - CEC INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE: Cathedral of the King CEC WEBSITE:

Who knows? Something in there may come in handy as you brace yourself for a challenging day or even an uncertain future ahead.

Text: LOU LIM Image: Media Ministry Creatives


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