January 25, 2025 Daily Dose of Discernment
“Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!” (Mark 5:8)
Anyone enslaved by sin is under the influence of the devil even if they don't spew green matter out of their mouth. This is why Jesus sends out His disciples, to preach to them the good news and cast out their demons (Mark 3:14). Sadly, some of us would rather not be inconvenienced and so ignore and avoid their need. In the gospel today, a man has that need. A legion of demons has possessed him and causes him to be violent. But instead of seeing that, his neighbors are afraid of him and are more concerned about their own safety.
He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world afflicting God’s children. We should never forget this and should always be ready to get our hands dirty. Demons are not just the kind we see in horror movies. There are those who cause sickness, poverty and hate. We are empowered to drive out these spirits. The Spirit of the Lord is upon us to heal and deliver us and others through us. Let us fulfill our calling.