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June 26, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

"The kingdom of heaven is like this. A man owned a farm. Early in the morning he went out to look for men to work on his farm." (Matthew 20:1)

The earth is the Lord's and all it contains. He is a self-sufficient landowner who gladly shares the benefits of His property and has no need or intention to exploit his tenants to enrich Himself. Anyone willing to work in His field partakes of its harvest. He designed His kingdom to work that way.

If we often complain, we forget that we came into this world naked. Any opportunity or thing we have is given by Him from Whom all blessings flow. It is a privilege, not a right. Our very life is a gift, an extremely precious gift. The only response we should give to God, really, is thanks and praise. We may experience hardship or be mistreated at times, but all things considered, we cannot say we get the short end of the stick. We are loved and we are blessed. That's the moral of the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard.

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