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June 30, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

What you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. (Acts 17:23)

In Paul's mind, the motley crowd in Athens were seeking the one true God, albeit in ignorance. This is actually true of all men, even those who call themselves agnostic or atheist. Because this God made every nation of mankind to live that they would seek Him Who is not far from each one of us since in Him we live and move and exist, and we all are His children (Acts 17:26-28).

There is a void in each man's heart and he longs for his desire to be fulfilled. He doesn't now he's seeking God. Some think they discover him in science, fame, fortune or the satisfaction of their lust, only to be found wanting after a while. We Christians don't know all the answers either, but we know enough to proclaim to them the good news, as Paul did, that God wants them reconciled to Him through His Son. Let us not grow weary in doing that through our lives, and if necessary, through our words.

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