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March 10, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him. (John 3:17)


A condemned building is one that is deemed no longer fit for human habitation. Jesus said God did not send Him to judge the world as such, even if it is on a destructive trajectory because of sin which introduced death into it. Instead, His Father sent Him to save it. That disproves the belief in a future end of the world, that is, the cosmos that was created good in the beginning. What will end is the evil system that is destroying it because God’s Son will certainly save it completely. That means human flourishing and all of creation teeming with life and harmony. Just like in Eden. That’s the future.


May we understand the unchanging heart of God and His plan to restore the world He loves because it is sure to happen since He is Almighty. And comprehend, and so thankfully appreciate as well, the privilege, honor and blessing of being called to participate in it.

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