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March 4, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

“How can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me? Don’t make me go back and watch my father die in grief!” (Genesis 44:34)


Jacob is anxious about the safe return of all His sons. This reflects the heart of God for the salvation of all His children. Judah, who spoke the words above, gets that. Like him, we should realize we shouldn’t just think of our own welfare and leave our brother in Egypt, that is, the prison of the fallen world. We should know that it will break our Father’s heart.


Salvation is freedom from sin, from being turned to self, to being like Jesus who died for the life of the world, for every single human being. So if we are concerned only for our own individual salvation, then that’s no salvation at all. How can we go back to the presence of our Father without bringing all the rest of our brothers with us? This is why a monk who understands this said, “You can be certain that as long as there is someone in hell, Christ will remain there with him.” This is the attitude of Jesus we should all have.

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