March 7, 2025 Daily Dose of Discernment
March 7, 2025 Daily Dose of Discernment The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother and tell him, “We have found the Messiah!” (John 1:41) "Andrew" means man or human, hence the prefix "andro" or "anthro." In the gospel passage today, the apostle Andrew's gesture shows how it is to truly be human. After having an encounter with God through His Son, he immediately looked for his brother in order bring him to Jesus so he too can share in the bliss of having a relatinship with Him.
A genuine knowledge of God is evidenced by a natural desire to proclaim Him because we realize it makes our joy full (1John 1:3-4). While the most commonsensical way to do that is by speaking, Saint Francis shows us a more excellent way by instructing us to preach Jesus and His gospel at all times and, if necessary, to use words. Knowing God and making Him known shows our love for Him and our neighbor. While we can do this individually, we should participate in the collective work of the Church, the community Jesus commissioned to proclaim the good news of His kingdom.