May 2, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment
"Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
A large percentage of Christians is familiar with this statement of Jesus. If they haven’t read or heard of it preached, they must have sung it or heard it sung. A great many can quote it from memory.
Jesus tells His disciples that their Father in heaven knows what they need in this material world. He doesn’t tell them to hate these needs or be in denial about them. Rather, He shows them the way to get the most out of them by not being in bondage to them. If we lust after these things instead of just acknowledging our need of them, then we are enslaved, just like the rest of the world who don’t know Him. But if we desire God and pursue the way of His kingdom first of all, then all these other things which He designed for us to have for our sustenance and fullness of life will be provided for us. And when they are, we get more meaning and fulfillment from them.