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Monday, February 1: “Listen First”

Mark 7: 32:They brought to Him one who was deaf and spoke with difficulty, and they entreated Him to lay His hand upon him.” If you’ve ever heard a deaf person speak, you know what a difficult thing it is for them to do. It is also difficult to listen to them; that’s why sign language was invented. Likewise, what we are currently hearing around us—all the caustic, arrogant, inflammatory, downright ignorant verbiage flying at us from all sides—is painful to listen to, and for the same reason. Those speaking this noise have become deaf to the voice of God, and what comes out is far from edifying to hear. The only hope for this situation: “Ephphatha!” (v. 34) May our ears be opened, that the words of our mouths might be acceptable in God’s sight (Psalm 19: 14).


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