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Monday, June 3: “Kingdom Treasury” 

Matthew 13: 52: “Jesus said to them, ‘Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the Kingdom of Heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things new and old.”

The Eucharist is a treasure of the Kingdom, old and new. It was foreseen in the meal the Lord ate with Moses and the seventy elders atop Mount Sinai (Exodus 24: 9-11); in the Passover, both in the unleavened bread and in the sacrificial lamb (Exodus 12: 3-18); in the Bread of the Presence, which reminded the children of Israel that the Lord was ever with them (Leviticus 25: 5-7); and in the daily manna, which sustained them in the wilderness. (Exodus 16: 14-21) The new treasure is that today we can celebrate and partake of all these things anew, as we share in the Body and Blood of Christ.

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