October 1, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment
“Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” (Luke 5:12)
A severely leprous man implored Jesus to heal him. Leprosy was notoriously dreaded by the Jews not only for fear of ceremonial uncleanness but more so because it's a long and painful ordeal that inevitably leads to death. That's why no one would come close to a leper, including the spiritual leaders, sadly. It also explains why the leper in the story wasn't certain if Jesus was willing to make him clean. But of course, He did.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, just like Jesus, to bring good news of deliverance, healing and salvation and proclaim His favor. That means getting our hands dirty, healing the sick, helping the poor, and visiting prisoners, which we should be willing to do because the good of the needy is more important than our convenience.