“I belong to the ‘1-percent chance’ group to recover, according to my nephrologist, Dr. Anna Liessle Santamaria. So far, I am her second patient who has experienced this unusual, ‘almost miraculous’ recovery,” shared a very grateful Sis. Chita Vaquer, who just celebrated her 77th birthday last May 4, 2021. “The great news is that I don't have to undergo dialysis anymore.”
It was a journey of faith and healing that began with her hospital confinement in 2017. By then she was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Stage 5, considered very severe or end-stage kidney failure by doctors. Upon her discharge, Sis. Chita’s Mondays and Thursdays became dedicated weekly outpatient trips to the HemoDialysis Unit (HDU) of San Juan de Dios Hospital.
“On my last monthly blood lab check last March 4, results showed that my creatinine level had reached normal range. I was instructed by the HDU Head Nurse to hold dialysis for the following week but to go for another lab blood check for creatinine on March 12,” said Sis. Chita. Those lab results indicated she should hold dialysis once again the following week and come back for another blood check on March 19.
Based on those results Sis. Chita was told to NOT resume treatment but just go home and await a video call from Dr. Santamaria, who explained that based on the lab results the last 2 weeks, her dialysis could be stopped. “She told me this was very impressive, since when I began my treatment I was diagnosed with CKD Stage 5.”
Sis. Chita had more blood work on April 12, and on April 21 Dr. Santamaria gave her the news: her results remained good. She was simply given a prescription for replenishment of her meds and a request for another blood check.
Today Sis. Chita thankfully declares “I give all humble gratitude and glory to our Great, Sovereign, Eternal, Living, Loving, Faithful, Merciful, Almighty, and Awesome God, in the Mighty Name of our Victorious Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!” . . . . . #JesusHeals #miracle #miraculous #healed #GodBless #Godisgoodallthetime #COTK #CEC