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Saturday, September 21: “Carte Blanche”

Esther 2: 15:“Now when the turn of Esther … came to go in to the king, she did not request anything except what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the women, advised. And Esther found favor in the eyes of all who saw her.”

When one of the young women’s turn came up to go in to the king to win his favor, she could take with her anything she desired from the harem(v. 13). Persia was a fabulously wealthy kingdom, and the harem had a lot of nice stuff from which to choose. However, Esther did not depend on things, but on the favor of the Lord and the leading of Hegai (a type of the Holy Spirit) to endear herself to King Ahasuerus. And as things worked out, her focus was spot-on!


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