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September 25, 2024 Daily Dose of Discernment

“Since Mordecai ... is of the Jewish people, you will not be able to overcome him but will surely suffer defeat, because the living God is with him.” (Esther 6:13)

Mordecai represents the children of God and Haman the devil who prowls around, seeking someone to devour. The latter may be able to torment and terrorize us with a gallows for our destruction, but his schemes will always backfire on him. His chariot will be burned, his bow will be broken, and his spear will be cut in two. He will fall into his own trap and his sword will enter his own heart. But God’s people will obtain relief and deliverance and, ultimately, liberty, dignity, and an eternal inheritance from Him.

In the face of adversity and tribulation which are expected to come, let us understand that this is our story and our destiny which will never change. Let our strength and security come from that.


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