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Ushering Ministry - A COTK Feature Story

“For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” (Psalm 84:10)

The ministry of ushering dates back to Old Testament times when doorkeepers guarded temple courts, and has evolved over the years. Today’s ushers are multitaskers: greeting and welcoming worshippers, guiding them to their seats, handing out offering envelopes, ensuring reverential order, providing information, safeguarding lost items, keeping the sanctuary tidy; and the list goes on, all activities that are summed up in one word—service. But ushering has a deeper aspect. As frontliners, Ushers ‘cultivate the soil’ of people’s hearts to receive from God. Whenever an Usher extends a hand to welcome someone, it is not just an invitation into the physical church building, but into God’s presence. Ushers are extensions of the Presider to share the love of Jesus, even before Mass begins. There are stories of people committing themselves to church because an usher showed them God’s love. Dealing with difficult attendees in love is another example of how the ministry mainly operates on this principle of love.

It is the mandate of CotK’s Ushering Ministry to be joints that supply. Ushers serve during all Masses and Sacraments, as well as all special activities. And even though we are not able to physically usher people in Church at the moment, we continually keep in touch and pray together on Friday evenings, ushering God’s children into his presence through intercession. This has been vital, especially when we recently lost three of our faithful co-ushers: Bro. Tony Arcenio, Bro. Jun Ramos, and Sis. Joy Conti. Our love, help, and support, including financially, was the love of Christ in action.

The Ushers Ministry is looking forward to serving physically in church again soon, with new workers. So here’s a ministry for you who seek an opportunity to use your gift of helps, who have a knack for making others feel comfortable, who don’t mind giving way to the needs of others over your own, and who live life with a desire that says, “May the prayer of my heart always be, make me a servant today!” . . . . . #COTK #CEC

writer: LOU LIM image: COTK Media Creatives

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