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Spiritual Food in Quarantine

In his second letter, Peter talks about a coming day when the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Paul echoes that in one of his epistles and says that each man’s work will be tested by fire which will reveal its quality. Wood, hay and stubble will be burned up, but gold, silver and precious stones will be refined by the Refiner’s fire.

The kingdom of God is coming to this world. Only that which is consistent with its nature will be present there: joy, peace, love, serving one another, building up one another. Nothing unclean will enter it. Outside will be the dogs, murderers, liars and those who take advantage of the weak. Since this is where all things are headed, how then shall we live in the present? It’s not wise to waste our time and effort doing things that won’t stand the test of fire. Let the quality of our work be as precious stones as we do the work of the kingdom even now and prepare for its soon-coming fullness.

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