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Spiritual Food in Quarantine

Some may not agree but I don’t believe God punishes us for our sins. On the contrary, He wants to reconcile us to Him when we are yet sinners, as seen in Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem. Although He does judge. “And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” The judgment is letting go if we’re persistently stubborn, just like Jesus did with Jerusalem (and wept when He foresaw its destruction). I don’t know when that point is. He does; He’s the Judge. But when He does let go, it doesn’t make His blood boil, it breaks His heart, as He watches us ruin our lives and waits until we come to our senses. And when we do, He runs to us and smothers us with kisses like the father did to his prodigal son.

God is good. Where sin abounds, His grace abounds even more. But what would be the point in abusing it and putting Him to the test?

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