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Spiritual Food in Quarantine

I said in one reflection that God doesn’t kill (see August 22, 2020). You might say, “Then what does the verse above mean?” Jesus said the scriptures testify about Him so the question should be, “What does this verse tell us about Jesus?”

In Revelation, John had a vision of One riding on a white horse. He judges in righteousness and is clothed with a robe dipped in blood. His name is called The Word of God. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations. Notice he had blood on His robe before He went to “strike down the nations.” That’s His own blood, not that of the nations. The figurative sharp sword that came from His mouth is the word of God and it slays people, that is, their old selves, so that their new selves might seek Him and return and search diligently for Him. God doesn’t kill us. He kills what kills us. He purifies and refines us like gold and silver, that we may present offerings in righteousness.

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