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Sunday, November 24: “Trans-generational Reign” 

Psalm 145: 13: “Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.”

Writers of history, philosophy, anthropology and the like are fond of labeling what they term as “ages”---this was the Age of Faith, that was the Age of Reason, then came the Age of Enlightenment, or Modernity, etc., down to our own Technological Age. Well they see it their way, from their perspective. When David wrote “Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom,” he literally meant “A Kingdom of all ages.” To put it bluntly, whatever labels man gives to an age, Christ is King over it. Fancy monikers won’t change the fact that all ages are the Age of Faith, the Age of God’s Kingdom! Throughout all generations; Alpha to Omega.


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