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Thursday, January 4: “Christmas Peace V”

Joshua 3: 15b, 16: “The Jordan overflows all its banks all the days of harvest, [but] the waters which were flowing down from above stood and rose up in one heap … and were completely cut off. So the people crossed opposite Jericho.”

The River Jordan overflowing its banks all the days of harvest, when the reapers were trying to bring in the year’s crop, was an act of rebellion against the Lord Who had set a boundary that it should not pass over (Psalm 104: 9). As the Lord mockingly asks the ancient waterway what ails it (Psalm 114: 5) He is expressing His dominion over all His creation, including man (Psalm 114: 2). As Israel crossed the Jordan, as we overcome the obstacles barring us from our destiny in God, it is a sign of His goodwill toward us, and His dominion which is the root of true peace.


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