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A COTK Feature Story - Ladies Ministry Have you ever noticed the beautiful flower arrangements at the Altar whenever you attend Mass, the creative decorations during special occasions, and the organized meal preparations and service during special celebrations? These are just some of the efforts of the Ladies Ministry. Their great work shows TLC - not just Tender Loving Care, but more importantly, the Lord Cares. They are always there to care, share and support in many ways, demonstrating strong characters of selflessness, tenderness, and compassion to anyone who may be in need in the church and surrounding community. The Ladies Ministry is a group where women of differing backgrounds, talents, and gifts can come together for fellowship, friendship and service. They encourage and inspire others through their walk with the Lord. It started back in the 1980’s and, now headed by Dra. Mia Santos, their work still continues. She describes the ministry’s mission and vision as follows: MISSION: To mentor and reach out to women to do service unto God through actions and examples that nurture relationships in the family, community and in the church. VISION: To perform the work of service yielded towards being the support as God’s purpose in women’s lives. The Ministry has a very active group chat in FB Messenger which is filled daily with greetings, prayers, prayer requests, updates and encouraging quotes. They frequently meet virtually, the next time being this May to celebrate Mother’s Day. In encouraging ladies to become involved in the ministry, Dra. Mia says, “The Holy Spirit is using whomever is placed in the position to empower, encourage and inspire not only the ladies, but also the attendees and workers of the church. For ladies who are undecided because they feel that they are inadequate or inexperienced, I hope they realize that it takes a single step of faith, a willing heart to serve, knowing that they are called to be a part of the Body of Christ.” She then reminds us, “God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.” Serving God by serving others manifests that the Lord really cares, as it says in Proverbs 31:10, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” #COTK #CEC text: TESS A. MORATA graphics: COTK MEDIA CREATIVES

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