Wednesday, August 30: “The Heritage of Love”
“The Heritage of Love”
1 Kings 3: 6, 9: “Then Solomon said, ‘You have shown great lovingkindness to Your servant David my father, according as he walked before you in truth and righteousness and uprightness of heart toward you … So give Your servant an understanding heart to judge your people to discern between good and evil.’”
Was Solomon really so different from his father David? Not at first. He and David both started with a heart from God, and for God. Solomon had seen David’s heart of truth, righteousness, and uprightness, and he himself asked for and received an understanding heart to judge God’s people. The difference? While David guarded his heart and His love for God (Psalm 19: 14; 26: 2; 49: 3; 84: 5; 119: 10), Solomon allowed his many wives to turn his heart away (1 Kings 11: 3, 4). Sayang!