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Wednesday, October 25: “Fret not over the Fallen”

Lamentations 2: 9: “[Zion’s] gates have sunk into the ground, [God] has destroyed and broken her bars. Her king and her princes are among the nations; the law is no more. Also, her prophets find no vision from the Lord.”

Jeremiah here describes Zion in the most tragic yet confrontational terms. She has become exactly what the Lord created her NOT to be: Just like any other nation. That which kept her separate; that which defended her; that which led her in the right path; that which kept her connected with the one true God–it’s all gone. Yes, this was just a season, which God allowed in His mercy to awaken her to what she had lost. But today, in the midst of relativism and universalism, we must never allow the Church to reach this place.

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